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7 Things You Can Do to Reduce Feelings of Loneliness and Isolation

Writer's picture: Sharon K Sharon K

Updated: Sep 19, 2023

how to reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation
Nurture yourself more during lonely times

Many people can feel lonely at some point in their lives but with the current Corona virus situation this has become much more common. It can obviously affect you more if you are living alone and have been cut off from family and friends. Although the lock-down has eased a little it can still be very difficult to connect with social distancing still in place. We are social animals and being lonely for too long can impact our mental well-being and cause anxiety, stress and even depression so its important to look at ways to keep connected during these difficult times and look at ways of giving your overall well-being a boost.

7 Tips to help you cope with loneliness during lock-down

Below are a few things you can do to help during lonely times:

7 ways to reduce loneliness
Keep connected as much as possible

Keep connected with family and friends

This might sound obvious but sometimes loneliness can make you feel more isolated than you actually are as it can lower your mood and self esteem. If you are lucky enough to have close family and friends then make the effort to keep in touch as much as possible. Even though it is still not easy to meet up with social distancing in place there are many ways to maintain contact via modern technology or simply pick up the phone.

Social media

This is another way of keeping in touch even if it is just to post a comment on a friends post, it helps nourishing your friendship whilst you are apart. Please keep in mind that most people will only post the good things that they want you to see rather than a true reflection of their life so protect your mental well-being by avoiding the urge to compare yourself with others.

Join an on-line community

If you don't have close family or friends around then realise it is not necessarily your fault. Changing circumstances, not just Corona virus, can leave many people feeling alone and isolated. One thing you can do is to join an online group or class that focuses on something you enjoy.

Try to get out more

Obviously this is not easy under the current circumstances but sometimes just being out in the fresh air and seeing other people around such as in a park can help lift your mood and help you feel less alone. You can read more about boosting your well-being in nature here

Maintain your physical wellbeing

It is important for your overall well-being to keep physically active. This doesn't mean you have to take up running or worry about joining a gym. Simply walking is beneficial but practices such as Yoga, Tai Chi and Qigong are great for mind, body and spirit and can help you cope with difficult times. Learn more here

believe in yourself

Try meditation and mindfulness

These have become a bit of a wellness trend lately and with good reason. By learning meditation and mindfulness techniques you can reduce stress and anxiety and gain a sense of calm and well-being that makes you more grounded. This in turn can often make you feel more comfortable in your own company. Learn more here

Be your own best friend

Don't forget that you always have you, so be kind to yourself. Practice self care and pamper yourself, treat yourself to something nice it doesn't have to be expensive, avoid negative self talk and try positive affirmations instead. You deserve to be cared for even if you are alone, you are still a worthy human being.

No doubt loneliness can be very damaging to our overall well-being but try to remember that you are not alone in feeling lonely, it is a worldwide problem right now. Also keep in mind that sometimes it is the way we look at loneliness that can make it worse. Try some of the above to regain some control over the situation instead of feeling powerless. If you are really struggling and need more support you could contact Samaritans: call- 116 123  or email: if you need someone to talk to. 

Things will get better!

Sharon K

Holistic Health and Wellness Coach

Reiki Master/Teacher

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Information is for general educational purposes only and not intended to replace medical advice



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