This weekend brings the official start of Spring with the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and the dawning of the brighter part of the year. The Spring Equinox was celebrated as a time of fertility, creativity, and renewal. Whether you are a nature lover or consider yourself Pagan it is a time to celebrate and to re-connect with nature and the season of Spring.
Start to plant the seeds for a healthier, happier you now.
Spring is a time of growth and renewal in nature and a time to sow seeds ready for the months ahead. As you emerge from winter is also a time for you to tune in to your own need for growth and renewal, think about what you want out of life and make plans. Now is the perfect time to do it.
Re-connect with nature
The coming of lighter nights and warmer weather should naturally encourage you to want to spend more time outdoors and this will boost your mood and energy after the darker months. Look at ways you can spend more time in nature to re-connect with it. Support your body by eating fresh healthy food with plenty of greens and maybe consider growing some of your own. You may want to 'spring clean' your body with a detox around this time too.

Schedule in 'nature time' with walks in a local park or woodland or even near water. Maybe you can include more vigorous exercise such as running or cycling to improve your health and feelings of wellbeing. This will also help you to reduce any feelings of stress and anxiety.
Renew the energy of your home
This is a great time to 'spring clean' your home and remove any stagnant energy that may have built up. Wiping things down with a little rose water is great for energy cleansing. Clear out clutter, re-organise a few things and let light and fresh air fill your living environment as much as possible and you will feel better. You can also bring the outdoors in with fresh Spring flowers or add crystals such as quartz or amethyst to keep the energy fresh in spaces where you spend a lot of time.
Renew yourself and release the past
Use the energy of Spring to renew yourself and release the past. Embrace the natural need to grow and expand during this time. You could start a new project or venture. Also look at your relationships - maybe it's time to start a new one and let an old one go. Be honest with yourself about what you really need and listen to your inner guidance and stay true to you.
Re-connect with yourself this spring and align yourself with the renewing energy of the season.
In warmth
Sharon K
Holistic Health and Wellness Coach
Reiki Master/Teacher
Nature Journaling is a great way to re-connect with nature and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. Get your copy of the Re-connect Nature Journal on Amazon for 6.99 or download your copy here for half price for a limited time!

Information provided for general educational purposes only and not intended to replace medical advice